I am going to lump some of the most popular ones into the same boat: Butterflies, fairies, stars, astrological signs and the like. You can't go wrong with any of these choices, although a disturbing trend is happening to these styles. A lot of sites know how popular they are, so they stuff their servers with any generic artwork they can find. They don't care that their artwork is cookie cutter. They just care that it will draw more visitors. Be careful
Whatever styles you end up picking, just make sure you are doing it for the right reason, and not just because other people are doing it. Fads come and go. That's why trendy artwork will not last.
A couple of the less common styles are Kanji, women tribals and "New School" artwork. These three choices are not as common on women, but they are very, very in depth and growing in popularity. You are not limited when you choose these cute girl tattoos, because there are so many various ways to incorporate these style choices. That's the best way to ensure you pick a design that you're 100% happy with. Styles that can go 50 different way are always good, because it gets your creative thoughts flowing. Kanji is mostly letters, tribals are very traditional and new school artwork is just now beginning to take off, but incorporate dozens of various traditions.
Whatever artwork you think will make cute girl tattoos, nothing beats getting fully informed about the designs you're looking at.
Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to pick from thousands of quality Cute Girl Tattoos.
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the blog Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of tattoo artwork you will ever see.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Woodham