Feminine Lower Back Tattoos - What You Need to Know About Feminine Tattoos

Feminine Lower back Tattoos are definitely on the increase, women all over the world have considered these at some stage of choosing a tattoo design for themselves. The lower back tattoo has become very popular in fact in 2007 it had almost a cult status. What draws women to have this type of tattoo? They can be very artistic, colorful and easily concealed for work of professional reasons, but they can also be put on maximum display during summer months at the beach.
Men love feminine lower back tattoos, a glimpse of them from beneath a loose fitting or cropped top will have men staring at you like a kid in a candy store. Lower back tattoos do promote an air of mystery about the owner and men and women do like to see them.
Choosing a feminine lower back tattoo is a lot harder than choosing a regular tattoo, there are different shapes, styles and colors to take into consideration. Although traditional lower back tattoos had a tribal of religious meaning some of the modern versions are purely artistic design so you can adapt a design to suit you. Changing a design to suit you is always an option, you may see a design which you like but when you add a couple of extra branches or a flower you may love it, a professional tattooist can make the adjustments for you.
Color should also be a consideration for your design, black and grey are the traditional colors of a lower back tattoo but adding some color will totally transform the design and make it unique to you. I have seen some of the most beautiful designs which people have had created just for them, they include a standard tattoo with a dolphin interwoven through the branches of the design, I have even seen one which had her mothers portrait as the focal point of the design, so you can never say that you can't find a design for you.
We all know that size does matter! This should also be a consideration for your tattoo, the last thing you want is a design which engulfs your back, and it would just look out of place and over the top. During the tattooing process a stencil outline of your design is put into place to assist the artist with the drawing, once this is in place ask the tattooist for a mirror so that you can see how big the design is, at this stage it would be very easy to adjust the size or position as required.
Once your tattoo starts to heal you need to use a cream or balm to protect the color, feminine lower back tattoos may be a little hard to access so you may want to get a friend to apply any after treatment so that it is properly covered. Using a proper tattoo product will also help to protect the color from fading although there will be some reduction in color as it starts to heal.
If you've made up your mind and you are ready to look at some of the most beautiful feminine designs which you will be proud to call your own, then keep reading.
I have done extensive research to find just what every woman needs when looking for the perfect design and you can read more about it here - Feminine Lower Back Tattoos
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janet_Bowns
Finding Tribal Tattoo Designs For Me - Tips to Finding the Right Artwork

When it comes to finding tribal tattoo designs for men or anyone, doing your research is important. Some tribal designs have very strong origins and meanings so always know what you are putting on your body. Following these tips could help you find the perfect tattoo for you. You can try searching online for images of tribal tattoo designs for men but you will find you will be overwhelmed by the amount of choices and options are your table.
• Step 1: Choose a design
Even if you aren't 100% sure on the overall design of your artwork, having a general idea will help you and your tattoo artists make things smoother. A great rule of thumb is to choose the design of the tattoo based upon what spot you plan to get it on. Also incorporate how much pain you are willing to tolerate because some areas of the body are more painful than others (i.e. spine, feet, wrists).
• Step 2: Find the right tattoo artist
Finding tribal tattoo designs for men is easy, but finding the right guy or gal to make it real may be harder than you think. Always consider price, patients, and the overall attitude of the artist. Looking at some of their past work will also help you find the artist with the style you are looking for.
• Step 3: Find a tattoo that reflects your personality
Even if you are getting a tribute or memorial tattoo, make it your own. Add designs, quotes, or features that will make this lifelong tattoo represent you.
• Step 4: Recognize when something won't work
Colors are great additions to any tattoos however, not all colors work for everyone. Some colors will not show well on some skin tones, and if you have a penicillin allergy then red is not an option for you. Some people have jobs that restrict where you can place your tribal tattoo designs for men.
These simple steps can help you find a great piece of artwork with some quality tattooing. If you let yourself get over excited about new ink, you risk running into bad artwork and poor tattooing skills. Read some local reviews on local parlors if you have never been to any of the surrounding tattoo shops. Shopping around could save you money, time, and going through life with a crappy piece of ink.
If you are looking for unique, top quality tribal tattoo designs and inspiration, visit Tribal Tattoos For Men or CLICK HERE
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_Golder
The Beauty of Flower Tribal Tattoos

If you go back in history, you will have the evidences that points out to the long time existence of tattoos. The first evidence was discovered in Egypt. There is a strong belief that the trends had utilized by many ancient tribal people around the globe.
The tattoo body art was the stigma of strength, vitality and status in the name of beauty. There are some tribal casts who use tattoo to ward off evil spirit and they think it can cure diseases. The tribal soldier uses it to symbolizing their great courage and mighty strength.
Tribal tattoo designers make the design of flower, animal and religious symbols and tribal flower tattoos are great variation of art and it is being greatly used by worldwide tattoo lovers.
Tribal flower tattoos are one type of ancient tattoo that can make you feel the essence of great cultural heritage. There is huge number of people are recognizing the value of the its body art. The bold strokes and curve designs are the combination of beauty and strength but now it is blended with fashion factor. The unique shapes and colors of tribal flower tattoos can really make you one from others tattoos fan. Normally the basic idea of imprinting it is done on one arm or on the back. These types of tattoos are really sophisticated and traditional. Creativity is the perfect word which is intimated with the tribal flower tattoo.
In recent days tribal tattoos are executed and incorporated in different ways. Stark, black, arching lines and mirror-image patterns are the typical tribal tattoo patterns. Flowers are the most popular designs of it. Flower has become very popular and off course it is highly fashionable. There are lots of flower tribal tattoo designs and you can easily choose the perfect one for you.
You can search your favorite flower tattoo design in internet because there are lots of websites of tattoo makers and most of them provides their works portfolio on their website so you can easily select the best design. Rose, Lotus, Hibiscus, Daisy and Lily are the different types of flower tattoos. The artists have been paid special attention to the flower tribal tattoo so that then a normal shape of rose can be changed into different shapes and designs. No matter if you have a large flower tattoo on your back or small one on your feet but the only matter is how you are carrying this style.
Before going to tattooing your body it's very important to decide which type of design you want and if you have no particular design in your mind then it can take a bit of time. Drawing a customized tattoo can take a bit more time than other impression tattoos but these really look cool and it can give a great boost to your status. Unique tribal flower tattoo designs are very well known specially these design which wrap around your arms or back.
To learn more about Flower Tribal Tattoos & Visit Flower Tribal Tattoos Pictures for more tattoos designs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jackso_King
Fresh Tattoo Art - Locating Galleries With Good, New Tattoos and Design
There was a time period when locating fresh tattoo art was one of the easiest things to do. This is not the case any longer, though. All most people bump into are bottom of the barrel galleries that have nothing but the same generic images and artwork that have been floating around cyber space for eleven years. There are still tons of fantastic galleries that have fresh tattoo art, but you need to know how to pin point them.
Why are so many of us having such an issue trying to find galleries that have quality tattoos? It shouldn't be such a difficult thing to do. Well, this is true, but there is a reason that finding fresh tattoo art has become nearly impossible. It's because of the way 90-95% of men and women looking for these websites. Yes, I am talking about the good old search engines. The tool that were once extremely reliable at providing us a good list of galleries is no somewhere close to worthless. Al lit give you is this enormous list of low end websites and each of them tends to be filled with the same generic artwork as the next website.
Most of the newer places don't take pride in providing their visitors with quality designs. Instead of giving them fresh tattoo art, they would rather fill their site up with as much generic stuff as possible. It's quantity rather than quality. This means that all of the truly good galleries are being pushed way back in the search engine results, never to be found. Since the average person will only look through two or three pages of search results, these place sit there all alone.
So, how do you even find them now that search engines aren't doing the job? Well, if you want websites that have fresh tattoo art, forums are the best starting point. The more well established forums work the best, because they are usually very large. You want large forums because the tend to be stuffed with past topics on subject related to tattoos. One look at some of these topics and you will see that people are always willing to help. Men and women are constantly sharing links and information on the great galleries they have uncovered that have fresh tattoo art. You simply reap the benefits of their generosity. It's that simple.
It's an easy transition and it can make all of the difference in the world when it comes to finally finding the fresh tattoo art the web has to offer.
Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find the tons of Fresh Tattoo Art.
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites with the absolute largest gallery of tattoo designs you will ever see. Finding quality tattoos has never been easier.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Woodham
Why are so many of us having such an issue trying to find galleries that have quality tattoos? It shouldn't be such a difficult thing to do. Well, this is true, but there is a reason that finding fresh tattoo art has become nearly impossible. It's because of the way 90-95% of men and women looking for these websites. Yes, I am talking about the good old search engines. The tool that were once extremely reliable at providing us a good list of galleries is no somewhere close to worthless. Al lit give you is this enormous list of low end websites and each of them tends to be filled with the same generic artwork as the next website.
Most of the newer places don't take pride in providing their visitors with quality designs. Instead of giving them fresh tattoo art, they would rather fill their site up with as much generic stuff as possible. It's quantity rather than quality. This means that all of the truly good galleries are being pushed way back in the search engine results, never to be found. Since the average person will only look through two or three pages of search results, these place sit there all alone.
So, how do you even find them now that search engines aren't doing the job? Well, if you want websites that have fresh tattoo art, forums are the best starting point. The more well established forums work the best, because they are usually very large. You want large forums because the tend to be stuffed with past topics on subject related to tattoos. One look at some of these topics and you will see that people are always willing to help. Men and women are constantly sharing links and information on the great galleries they have uncovered that have fresh tattoo art. You simply reap the benefits of their generosity. It's that simple.
It's an easy transition and it can make all of the difference in the world when it comes to finally finding the fresh tattoo art the web has to offer.
Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find the tons of Fresh Tattoo Art.
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites with the absolute largest gallery of tattoo designs you will ever see. Finding quality tattoos has never been easier.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Woodham
New Tattoo Designs - Where is the Fresh Artwork For Tattoos

I am going to include some very useful tips to locate the new tattoo designs on the internet. We still have too many people who start out looking for fresh tattoos, only to end up choosing some generic, bland design that they don't 100% like. I will tell you why that happens as well as how to avoid it. Locating new tattoo design should be a fun experience and hopefully this helps you out.
I am sure that you have noticed how easy it is to find artwork for tattoos on the web. You can locate thousands of them in the next eight minutes if you really needed to. Most of the tattoos you find will be nine years old and pretty generic, though. It gets even worse if you are relying on search engines to find new tattoo designs (like 95% of us do!). All that seems to pull up in search results are the same kind of low end galleries that don't have many new tattoo designs, if any.
On top of that, a lot of the artwork they carry was not even meant to be used as real tattoos! That's right. Most of these cookie cutter galleries only care about one main thing, which his packing their site with as much artwork as humanly possible. They don't care that half of the new tattoo designs they post aren't even real drawings for "tattoos". It's sad that they would do this, because people will pick one of these designs and run to go get it tattooed. They have no clue that the design isn't going to look anywhere near as good and crisp as it looked on the paper they printed it on. Those aren't new tattoo designs. They are random images that the gallery is passing off as "tattoos".
While you are going to find this type of artwork just about everywhere you go, there is a simple way to cut a lot of it out of the equation...
You can do this by using internet forums to your advantage. The bigger forums are always packed with topics about tattoos. This is where tons of people get together and talk about where they found their great tattoos and the artwork for them. It's an easy way to find the tons of galleries that just don't seem to pull up in search engine results. Most of the time, the galleries you find this way will be far superior to most of the stuff you've been seeing. It's a good way to find a lot of new tattoo designs and a bunch of fresh artwork.
Locating new tattoo designs online should be a fun experience and hopefully this helps you out, if only a little bit.
Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find tons of New Tattoo Designs.
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of new tattoos you will ever see. Finding the perfect fresh tattoo has never been easier.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Woodham
I am sure that you have noticed how easy it is to find artwork for tattoos on the web. You can locate thousands of them in the next eight minutes if you really needed to. Most of the tattoos you find will be nine years old and pretty generic, though. It gets even worse if you are relying on search engines to find new tattoo designs (like 95% of us do!). All that seems to pull up in search results are the same kind of low end galleries that don't have many new tattoo designs, if any.
On top of that, a lot of the artwork they carry was not even meant to be used as real tattoos! That's right. Most of these cookie cutter galleries only care about one main thing, which his packing their site with as much artwork as humanly possible. They don't care that half of the new tattoo designs they post aren't even real drawings for "tattoos". It's sad that they would do this, because people will pick one of these designs and run to go get it tattooed. They have no clue that the design isn't going to look anywhere near as good and crisp as it looked on the paper they printed it on. Those aren't new tattoo designs. They are random images that the gallery is passing off as "tattoos".
While you are going to find this type of artwork just about everywhere you go, there is a simple way to cut a lot of it out of the equation...
You can do this by using internet forums to your advantage. The bigger forums are always packed with topics about tattoos. This is where tons of people get together and talk about where they found their great tattoos and the artwork for them. It's an easy way to find the tons of galleries that just don't seem to pull up in search engine results. Most of the time, the galleries you find this way will be far superior to most of the stuff you've been seeing. It's a good way to find a lot of new tattoo designs and a bunch of fresh artwork.
Locating new tattoo designs online should be a fun experience and hopefully this helps you out, if only a little bit.
Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find tons of New Tattoo Designs.
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of new tattoos you will ever see. Finding the perfect fresh tattoo has never been easier.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Woodham
Girl Tattoos - How to Find the Right Design For You
If shows such as Miami Ink and L.A. Ink show us anything, it's that tattoos are not some passing fad. What once was a form of rebellion is now seen by many as an outward extension of who they are. Women today are becoming increasingly tattooed and searches on the net for girl tattoos have skyrocketed. Some tattoo studios (once called tattoo 'parlors) can even have a female to male ratio of 60% to 40%.
What drives a woman to get a tattoo? The most heard reason in studios is that they just broke up with someone. Some get their first ink after a divorce or other major change in their life such as losing a loved one, childbirth, marriage or even religion (think cross tattoos or The Virgin Mary). This is a practice that dates back thousands of years.
What are women having done tattoo-wise? The most popular are typically flowers, tribal designs, butterflies, fairies and cartoons. These tattoos are also starting to get larger and more customized. There was a time when women usually "hid" something very small on their shoulder or ankle. Today popular spots include the small of the back, arms legs and even chests. Although, the ankle and shoulder are still tremendously popular locations...the tattoos are just larger. Typically being more stylish that men, women are more concerned about tattoos they want and where on their body to put it. Part of the tattoo artist's job is to help the client select a design or possible location that will accentuate a certain part or shape of the body.
Women also seem to be better than men when actually getting tattooed. Men like to think they are tough can take the pain. But when the needle hits their skin they pass out in the chair. Women, on the other hand anticipate the pain and will have a higher tolerance.
Have you been searching the internet looking for tattoo designs, a tattoo finder or more particularly girl tattoo art? Finding the right design can be downright exhausting. People with tattoos will tell you how long it takes to choose the right one. After all, they last forever and shouldn't be rushed. It could take 20-30 hours to find the right tattoo design, so don't get a tattoo on a whim or go with cute and trendy. A feminine tattoo should be unique and should speak about who you are and not copied from someone else.
If you are like most women, you have searched and searched for the right design; be it a cross tattoo, a floral tattoo or butterfly tattoo. You may have searched the internet, looked for a tattoo finder or even searched the books of your local tattoo studio. Take your time and try to visualize the type of tattoo you want before you get it. Try to find examples that resemble your idea to see what it may end up looking like. Never be tempted to 'just pick one off the wall'...never settle for less just because you can't make up your mind. The first half of 2008 shows the 5 most popular girl tattoos to be Traditional Japanese tattoos (koi fish, dragons, etc.), Traditional American tattoos (pin ups, classic cars, etc.), Floral tattoos, Anime (although I think this is a passing fad) and Indian / Hindu tattoo designs. Be careful, though, some designs can have totally different meanings than what you thought and can also be associated with particular cultural groups; such as gang tattoos. Also be sure to have any foreign tattoos, such as Japanese lettering, translated before having them permanently affixed to your body! The estimate is that 25% of all translation in tattoo studio is wrong! There are tons of cases of people going to get a Japanese tattoo of "strong will" and the lettering actually spelling out "small fish" or something worse.
When getting a tattoo, remember that fads come and go, be aware of any regulations your employer may have against them and remember that having one removed can cost up to ten as much as the original tattoo!
People have said that getting a tattoo is like losing your virginity! The rush, the smell, even the pain are extremely memorable and intense. People even say that tattoos are addictive!
So if you are thinking of getting a tattoo and are looking to girl tattoos, remember to make it your own, consider the placement and above all...have fun.
Did you know that women are quickly becoming the most tattooed member of society? Find your perfect design; be it a cross tattoo, a butterfly tattoo or any of a thousand at http://www.leeo5150.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Overton
Top Five Popular Tattoos

Every few years or so the fads in tattoos change, while some designs are always popular sometimes news one manage to squeeze their way into the popular tattoo fads. At this moment in time there are five tattoos that seem to be rather popular amongst men and woman. Below is a list of the most popular tattoos right now.
* New school tattoos, which is really a newer take on the traditional style tattoos that were made popular by sailors and servicemen. These new style tattoos are anchors and swallows, but with one small difference. The colors and detail are more vibrant.
* Japanese Kanji Tattoos are starting to get real popular with people, mainly women. Women are drawn to this particular style and love to have it Incorporated into a full sleeve with various kinds of kio and carp fish, as well as the popular Japanese characters.
* Floral and heart tattoos. These two tattoos are timeless tattoos that have been around since the tattoos first came mainstream. There are a plethora of designs, colors, and detail that one has to choose from to make their very own.
* Star tattoos is another example of a timeless tattoo design that has been popular for decades. Stars are also a great tattoo design to pick and not have to worry about regretting your choice. The came in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, clusters, bursts and so on.
* Tribal tattoos have been around for hundreds of years now and don't show any signs of getting any less popular. However, tribal tattoos of today's time are little more complex than they were when they first hit the scene.
Your Tattoo Friend
Ashley enjoys writing on her Tattoo themed blog at http://tattoo-talk.blogspot.com/ please stop by and drop a comment.
For more information and access to over 15,000 tattoo designs online, check out Ashley's sponsor at http://InfiniteTattoos.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_M_Ford
Cute Girl Tattoos - Which Designs Always Come Out Amazing
Just about any design choice can be made into cute girl tattoos, but that's not what we're going to talk about. Having tons of styles to choose from is not a bad thing, though. Not even close. Taking the time to learn about various styles and researching the design choices you might like is always a good thing. In fact, people who do "not" do this will usually regret the artwork they put on their body, which really stinks. Here's are some
of the most amazing designs choices, which can all be made into cute girl tattoos.
with this artwork, because 95% of people regret putting a generic tat on their body. They do not make cute girl tattoos.
Whatever styles you end up picking, just make sure you are doing it for the right reason, and not just because other people are doing it. Fads come and go. That's why trendy artwork will not last.
A couple of the less common styles are Kanji, women tribals and "New School" artwork. These three choices are not as common on women, but they are very, very in depth and growing in popularity. You are not limited when you choose these cute girl tattoos, because there are so many various ways to incorporate these style choices. That's the best way to ensure you pick a design that you're 100% happy with. Styles that can go 50 different way are always good, because it gets your creative thoughts flowing. Kanji is mostly letters, tribals are very traditional and new school artwork is just now beginning to take off, but incorporate dozens of various traditions.
Whatever artwork you think will make cute girl tattoos, nothing beats getting fully informed about the designs you're looking at.
Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to pick from thousands of quality Cute Girl Tattoos.
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the blog Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of tattoo artwork you will ever see.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Woodham

I am going to lump some of the most popular ones into the same boat: Butterflies, fairies, stars, astrological signs and the like. You can't go wrong with any of these choices, although a disturbing trend is happening to these styles. A lot of sites know how popular they are, so they stuff their servers with any generic artwork they can find. They don't care that their artwork is cookie cutter. They just care that it will draw more visitors. Be careful
Whatever styles you end up picking, just make sure you are doing it for the right reason, and not just because other people are doing it. Fads come and go. That's why trendy artwork will not last.
A couple of the less common styles are Kanji, women tribals and "New School" artwork. These three choices are not as common on women, but they are very, very in depth and growing in popularity. You are not limited when you choose these cute girl tattoos, because there are so many various ways to incorporate these style choices. That's the best way to ensure you pick a design that you're 100% happy with. Styles that can go 50 different way are always good, because it gets your creative thoughts flowing. Kanji is mostly letters, tribals are very traditional and new school artwork is just now beginning to take off, but incorporate dozens of various traditions.
Whatever artwork you think will make cute girl tattoos, nothing beats getting fully informed about the designs you're looking at.
Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to pick from thousands of quality Cute Girl Tattoos.
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the blog Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of tattoo artwork you will ever see.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Woodham
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