Picking a tattoo design is a very important decision which should be carefully thought out. I'd like to offer some important tattoo tips and hopefully help those who may want some positive guidelines on how to properly choose the right life long ink decision.
Tattoo tips for picking the best design possible:
1. True Personality. Always try to choose a design which speaks to you and is a symbol of your own, true personality. It's going to go on your skin, therefore becoming a part of you. Many of the regrets that occur from getting inked, are from the design choice. Many people end up getting tattoos based on everything but their true personality. Think of the qualities and experiences of your life which you want to express.
2. Avoid Trends. This is a big one and goes along with the above tip. People way too often jump on the trendy bandwagon of the moment and get inked with designs that end up going out of style a few years later. You should never get a design based on what is popular or what is trendy. You'll get burned with regret years later when that style or design becomes labeled as cheesy and over done. And plus it likely had little to do with who are really are, but rather was just an expression of trying to look cool.
3. Symbolism. Tattooing is a great way to symbolize something in your life. Be it another person or pet, or an ideal which you feel strongly about. Even a positive quality which you want to strive for is a good choice for symbolism ink. While this isn't a requirement for ink, it's a strong enough element which you should consider.
4. High Quality Designs. Out of all the tattoo tips this is truly important in order to avoid any regret later on. There are thousands of tattoos out there, which are actually pretty cool design ideas, but the poor quality of the design basically warp it into something else. Sometimes an unrecognizable "something else". Always go for high quality designs to ensure the longevity of the work you choose.
Here are thousands of excellent high quality tattoo designs to choose from - http://Tattoo-Book.info.
You can browse through several different categories, find your ideal style, and then find your ideal, high quality design. Best place on the web to find great ink. Check it out at http://Tattoo-Book.info.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle