Picking a spot for a tattoo is never easy. After all, there are several prominent locations that are popular, including the shoulders, the stomach, ankles, hips...as you can see, the options are virtually unlimited! Most people find common ground agreeing that the lower back is one of the sexiest places, however. This probably has something to do with the fact that it's so close to the butt, an area that most men almost immediately cast their eyes upon when evaluating a woman. If you're looking to draw attention to your rear end, one great strategy is to provide some window dressing a few inches above! Now that the location has been settled upon, it's time to think of the design for your lower back tattoo. If you thought your first decision was tough, you're in for a doozy now! Almost every tattoo looks good on the lower back, but here are a few ideas that really stand out.
Rose: Roses are the ultimate symbol of femininity. They signify a number of different sentiments, including love, beauty, and trust. Indeed, each color of rose has a different meaning, something that will make every person who sees your tattoo stop to think for a moment. You can't go wrong by choosing a rose design for your lower back tattoo.
Flag: For many people, patriotism is one of the things they hold the dearest. Love of country is expressed nowhere better than in a tattoo placed lovingly on the lower back. This is a great spot because you may want to hide your nationality while you're traveling; even with the ascendancy of Obama to the presidency, for instance, an American flag is still taboo in some countries. If you place your flag on your lower back, you can hide it whenever you need to.
Musical Symbol: If you're an established (or aspiring) musician, show your love of your art by having a musical symbol tattooed to your lower back. You'll want to make sure to choose a symbol that accurately reflects your art. You could even go for an entire bar of music that specifically impacts you-perhaps one of Mozart's symphonies. That would be a guaranteed conversation starter, especially within the classical music community. Alternatively, you could also decide on a tattoo of a musical instrument, such as a guitar, trombone, or violin.
You might think that coming up with a design for a lower back tattoo [http://www.squidoo.com/design-for-lower-back-tattoo] would be easy, after the stress of picking the location, but with so many great options, you'll need to spend long, hard hours deciding exactly what you want put on your body. Once you've made your call, go for it!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Hodkinson